How To Make DIY Water Spigot Cover?

Outdoor water spigots are prone to different weather conditions as they remain exposed. They can be at risk of getting frozen, bursting, and so on. That’s why a spigot cover is a must-have for those outdoor faucets.

If you can make the cover by yourself, that would be the cherry on top. That’s why we have brought a tutorial on our to make water spigot covers.

Before a decorative outdoor water spigot covers yourself, you will need some items that are available in everyone’s house. So, the task is going to be convenient for you.

So let us not make any further delay and get to the topic straight.

Keep reading!

How To Make DIY Water Spigot Cover? (Top 9 Ways)

DIY Water Spigot Cover

A faucet cover helps to minimize the damage to outdoor faucets. Since everyone has it, some people go with a handmade water spigot cover.

This will eliminate the cost of a faucet cover and our creativity at the same time. If you want to make your water spigot by yourself, this concept is just for you.

Anyway, we won’t go through the steps of decorative outdoor water spigot cover directly. An overview of the faucet covers and their potential is also required to be known.

Freeze Protection In Spigots:

First, we will be talking about freeze protection for your water spigot. Most outdoor hose bibs are frost-free. It means the washer for these water spigots sets deeper in the wall. But it needs to fix the faucet right.

Whenever you go to shut off the hose bib, water will drain out. Then the actual water will stop back inside the wall where it is warm.

Well, in a lot of southern states, they don’t have such frost-free water spigots. Also, there is no need to install them and spend money. The reason is, that frost-free water fixtures are more expensive than regular hose bibs.

Water Spigot Covers:

If it is hard to opt for a frost-free hose bib, a faucet cover can help to give double protection to the regular spigots. Covers that come with styrofoam, hard shell, or foam blocker, work the best. You just need to set them up and pull the hook tightly.

A DIY Faucet Cover Can Be Helpful:

Faucet covers allow the hose bibs to stay covered all day long. But there is a good chance that lots of stores are not going to have the facet covers in their stock. Don’t worry, you can try out a DIY spigot cover:

Unscrew The Hose Connections:

Before providing protection to your water spigot, unscrew all the connections and hose them.

Grab Some Socks:

Grab a pair of socks, preferably clean socks, and tape the socks. You can fold it one, two, or three, depending on how big the sock is.

More Insulation Means More Protection:

For instance, if your socks can be folded into two, they can provide double insulation. And in three folds it will provide triple insulation.

The more insulation there is, the more protection your faucet is going to have. So just take the sock and put it over the bam after folding. We are now looking at quality insulation.

Use Freezer Bags Or Plastic Bags:

Then a bag, like- a quart freezer bag. Well, freezer bags are going to be a bit thicker. If you don’t want that, go with a grocery sack or any plastic bag. Perhaps, a saran wrap would also do the job. So just wrap the bag over the socks that you used to cover the faucet.

Have A Grip Over The Bag:

After wrapping the bag, take a rubber band, bungee cord, or zip tie. This will help you hold the grip of the bag. So put the band by covering the bag. Now, your faucet is insulated and it is waterproof.

Use Duct Tape:

All the things mentioned are available in our house. Even if you don’t have those ingredients, just grab duct tape and make sure that it is not all wonky. So you can easily duct tape on your faucet.

So there you are hooked up. Now you have some quality freeze protection going on for your outside faucet.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do You Make A Homemade Faucet Covered With Styrofoam Cups?

Here are some steps below that will help you to make a homemade faucet covered with styrofoam cups:

  • Get three styrofoam cups of 20 oz.
  • Keep stacking the cups inside each of them.
  • Cut the top of two cups and place them over them.
  • Put the cup spouts on your faucet.
  • Now secure the cups with duct tape.

How To Insulate An Outdoor Faucet Without A Cover?

If you don’t want to insulate your outdoor faucet with a cover, go with insulation tubes. They have opening slits on their sides. You just need to open the slit and place the tube around your outside pipes. Duct tape can be used to provide extra protection and keep the tube slightly tight.

What Can Be A DIY Faucet Cover For Winter?

To make a DIY faucet cover, you can wrap the spigot with t-shirts or layers of rags. Try to make it snug. Since the spigot has fabric insulation, it’s time to cover it with some plastic bags and secure them with duct tape.

Final Thoughts

So this was all about the way to make our water spigot cover. Yet, we can have a brief discussion on it again. We have understood that a pair of socks or a T-shirt is all that we need. These will provide insulation to the faucet. Meanwhile, this fabric insulation requires a covering too. So be ready with some plastic bags or freezer bags, whatever you have.

Lastly, a band and duct tape can fix your handmade cover with a click. As simple as that. This will save a bundle that you would be spending for buying a faucet cover.

Hopefully, the above concept is clear enough to you.

Let us know through the comment section below if you have any queries. Thank you.

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