Ways To Fix A Shower Head That Sprays Everywhere

Are you facing trouble with your shower head? You may notice that your shower head is spraying water everywhere. It happens due to a broken seal or a worn-out rubber washer. Besides, buying a normal shower head. So, How to fix a shower head that sprays everywhere?

You can solve this annoying issue by two methods: By using your fingernail and removing the nozzle plate for cleaning. To do this, you don’t need to hire a plumber. You can do it yourself.

In this content, I’m teaching you how can you solve this faulty shower head in less than 30 minutes. So, without further due let’s get started.

Why Is My Shower Head Spraying Everywhere? (5 Reasons)

Why Is My Shower Head Spraying Everywhere

To solve this irritating issue, you have to know its problem first. I’ve already told you that it can happen due to a broken seal or a worn-out rubber washer.

In addition, it can also happen for 5 different reasons. If you can understand the proper reason, then you can solve it in no time.

Let’s See Which 5 Reasons That Results Spraying Everywhere

Water Pressure Is Too High:

Due to too much water pressure, your shower head will spray everywhere. You can solve this problem by reducing water pressure at the source.

If you have a good system, then it’s better to talk with someone. They can help you to deal with plumbing and get some advice from him.

Clogged Holes:

Another common reason for this issue is Clogged holes. Sometimes, inside the shower head, there are some holes that can be clogged. Clogged holes will lead to a poor spray pattern. Then, it can’t provide enough water pressure to clean your body.

You need to remove all the dirt from these holes. After that clean them properly with a pipe cleaner or cloth.

Due To The Nozzle Plate:

If the nozzle plate is not properly installed, then it can’t provide good water pressure.

So, you should check your shower head and see if it’s properly installed or not. If so, then remove the plate and install it again. I’ll describe this process with step-by-step guidelines below.

Due To Dirt:

Dirt can be a nightmare for you, you need to remove it from the shower head. Hair, dust, and debris can cause low water pressure.

So, you need to remove all the dirt from your shower head. Don’t know how to deal with it? No worry! It’ll assist you in doing this with clear photos. Just read on!

Worn-Out Washers:

The last but not least issue is Worn-out washers. It can happen if you were buying a regular showerhead. A normal or regular showerhead can lead to a lot of issues.

As an expert, I’ll always suggest you invest in a quality showerhead. A quality shower can make your life easier and more comfortable.

Ways To Fix A Shower Head That Sprays Everywhere (Explained)

Don’t have enough budget to hire a plumber? Though it’s not always a good idea but not a bad practice as well. If you don’t do it then you can learn something new.

Here are two best methods that can help you to do this process in less than 30 minutes. Both are really simple and anyone can apply who has this kind of problem.

Use Your Fingernail:

The first and primary method is to use your fingernail. The process is really simple. You need to use your finger or you can use a brush as well. Here are two steps:

Clean The Dirt With Your Finger or Brush:

Just gently push the shower head from the side where it sprays everywhere. You’ll hear a clicking sound. Now turn it counter-clockwise and then clockwise again.

Remove The Plate And Clean It Properly:

If step 01 is not effective, then you have to put off the cover from the shower head. After that, push the head back to its normal place. You’ll see that the water will be coming out normally and your shower will work like new.

Remove The Nozzle Plate And Reinstall It

The 2nd most effective method for this issue is removing and reinstalling the nozzle plate. This process can fix your shower head in no time. But the problem is that you need a proper tool to do this job or else it will be difficult for you.

Here is how to do it after removing the nozzle plate:

Install The Outlet Seal:

First, you need to install the outlet seal. This part is located at the back of your shower head. This part is an initial but important stage for this issue. If you don’t know how to install a seal then follow the below images.

Install The Nozzle Plate:

Now, it’s time to reset your nozzle plate again. To do this, you have to use your hand. Rotate the nozzle plate clockwise until it is installed firmly. Lastly, install your shower head back again by rotating it counterclockwise until it is completely secured.

Try To Configure The Outlet Cover:

Configuring the outlet cover is important. If you don’t configure the outlet cover properly, then you will face this issue again.

So, follow the below image to configure it. Most of the time, this can create several issues as well. So, don’t miss this step.

Which Cleaner Should You Use To Fix A Shower Head That Sprays Everywhere?

Which Cleaner Should You Use To Fix A Shower Head That Sprays Everywhere

Time-to-time maintenance can reduce the cost of replacing again and again. You can keep a cleaner that will help you keep your shower head clean. The main reason why we have to clean a showerhead is that it collects all kinds of dirt and bacteria.

So, which one should you buy? Rubbing alcohol or detergent? No! You should highly restrict the use of this kind of cleaner. Here are two things that you can use:

Vinegar: Vinegar is a mild acid that helps remove hard water stains from your shower head. You can use vinegar to clean your showerhead by mixing it with warm water and then rinsing it off under running water. Don’t mix it in the hot water.

The advantage is that you don’t need to worry about the smell of vinegar as it will leave no odor. This item is available in most houses. If you don’t have it, then you can borrow it from someone. But, it’s better to collect it for you.

You can use vinegar to not only clean your shower head but also clean your bathroom tiles. If you want to use vinegar as a cleaner, you can dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:3.

Tooth Brush: Tooth Brush is a common household item. You can keep an extra brush for cleaning your showerhead. You can use your toothbrush to clean the holes and other hard-to-reach areas of your shower head.

Don’t throw your toothbrush after brushing your teeth. We usually throw it away to 3 or months later. But, this can save you extra money. You can clean your shoes, monitor, and most importantly shower head with that brush.

During this COVID-19 pandemic, you shouldn’t spend money to buy a new one. A toothbrush won’t cost you much. A toothbrush can be used for a long time if you take good care of it. If your toothbrush becomes dull, replace it with a new one.

What If I Can’t Fix My Shower Head?

Couldn’t fix the shower head yet? If you were trying our method but failed to fix your shower head, no worries! You can still replace it with a new one. There are two ways you can go about this:

Get A  New Showerhead From The Manufacturer:

You can get a replacement part from your showerhead manufacturer. You can usually find their website by doing a simple Google search for “shower head manufacturer” and the name of your company. Be sure to check if they sell replacement parts like this before ordering one. Because some companies don’t sell replacements at all!

Buy A Universal Showerhead From Amazon (We Recommend This Method):

Amazon is a collection of many different sellers. So you have a wide variety of options to choose from. You can find universal shower heads that fit most major brands and models at very affordable prices. Just be sure to read the reviews before ordering. So you can know if it will work for your specific model or not.

Final Word

Fixing a showerhead is not rocket science. If you have minimum knowledge and get the right guidelines then you can do this task smoothly. You almost know how to handle this annoying task.

Haven’t fix it yet? Then, we will highly suggest you replace it and not spend a single second on that. Before, hiring a plumber it’s always a better idea to try it yourself first. You can also get help from your friend or any relative as well.

So, guys, now we reached the final stage of the content. If you face another issue don’t forget to leave a comment below the post. Thanks for your great effort.

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